Ice Breakers - Color Blindness Is No Problem

by Mike
(Auckland, New Zealand)

This is my first speech at Toastmasters.

It's called an Ice Breaker and its purpose is to get you up speaking in public.

There reallty aren't too many rules about what you can talk about. They encourage you to talk about yourself because you're an expert on that subject, and you normally don't have too much trouble coming up with a story or two.

My speech looks at just one aspect of my life - my color blindness. How people react to it, and how I've come to livewith it and function quite happily.

Some see it as a disability. I don't.

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Jun 04, 2015
Ice Breakers
by: Anonymous

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May 15, 2015
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Mar 15, 2010
Great Job Of Your First Speech
by: Brian

This is a very good example of an Ice Breaker speech.

Some of the things that stood out for me were:

1. Nice relaxed style. You put the audience at ease.
2. Started very well with a fun question that got people smiling and laughing.
3. You told stories about something you know more about than anyone else on earth - your own color blindness experiences and what they meant to you.
4. I liked the way you blended in the story of the famous crayon guy to finish off. It added interest and humor.
5. I loved the mental picture of a color blind person employed to pick tomatoes!
6. You showed how easy it is to speak without notes when you're telling stories about stuff you know really well. At least you made it look easy!
7. I hope lots of people get inspired by your excellent effort and give it a go themselves.

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