Be Careful What You Wish For

by Aaron
(Auckland, New Zealand)

This is my first ever Toastmasters speech.

I was told the best way to do this speech is just to tell a bit about your life story. So that's what I did.

As you'll see my life so far has spanned three different countries and several careers, including professional dancer for a while.

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Jan 19, 2018
Interesting Blog NEW
by: Davidestrada

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Oct 23, 2015
Be Careful NEW
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Sep 04, 2015
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Apr 19, 2010
Brilliant Job Of A First Speech
by: Brian

Aaron take a bow. You've done a great job of your Icebreaker.

1. You have a very articulate style.
2. Your smile is one of your best attributes and will enable you to make a rapid connection with your audiences.
3. Your gestures are natural and relaxed, with one exception.
4. Stay away from the hands behind the back gesture you used for a few moments. Makes me remember bad school teachers!
5. Your speech flowed very, very well.
6. Your speaking would be even better with a few well placed pauses - partticularly just before or after making a significant point.
7. You had a strong ending. Don't bother thanking us - we should be thanking you.
8. Your natural enthusiasm for life comes through strongly in your speaking, and in my humble opinion, this will help you to generate a powerful stage presence. That's not easy, and not to be taken for granted either. Use it well and you will be an outstanding speaker!

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